
May 1st, 2023 | Real Estate

Hustlers vs Lazy Mofos – What type of person are you? 

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When there’s a problem, how do you handle it?  Is your first instinct to call someone for help or perhaps you’re the type that tries to figure it out yourself first, yes?

The other day, an Agent called, and said they couldn’t open the lockbox at a listing of ours.  Classic.  The old lockbox is jammed and you need to wiggle it problem – and yet, this call is all too common for many of us in the profession.  It’s a small problem, it happens because a key is placed into the box incorrectly (or the box is overstuffed) – the fix?  Wiggle the box or smash on the latch a bit with a hard pointed object (like a key) … it’ll pop open, it always does. 

A few days prior, an Agent called and had some specific questions pertaining to another listing – she asked about the parking situation.  I explained there was a garage via the lane – she was confused and asked what a lane was.  I explained, but the questions persisted, she asked about street parking and how much it’d cost, I investigated and shared the link on how to obtain permits with her.  The questions continued and at last she asked what the estimated rents were for the various units of this particular multiplex.  I gladly provided her with our estimates. 

Throughout these experiences I can’t help but wonder why people don’t seek out solutions/answers themselves – and I guess it’s because it’s just easier to call someone.  But, what if that someone didn’t exist or didn’t have the answers to your questions.  Would you seek them out yourself?  Could you?  Shouldn’t you?? 

Real estate transactions can be complex, as while many are straight forward, many are not.  There are a lot of moving parts, things can change quickly, prior to placing an offer, during conditional periods, after the sale firms up, and right before closing … and even afterwards. 

At each turn, we owe it to our Clients to problem solve – to seek out creative solutions to whatever obstacle may arise.  It may often require us to go beyond the scope of our roles, but that’s ok, so long as it helps our Clients meet their ultimate objectives! 

Be a hustler, not a lazy mofo.

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